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Experienced California Lemon Law Attorney | Get Legal Help Now

The Power of California Lemon Law Attorneys

Have ever frustrated faulty vehicle just seem fixed, matter times take dealership? So, need California lemon law attorney.

California lemon law advocates consumers purchased vehicles, known “lemons”. Legal specialize complex laws regulations lemon law work ensure clients compensation justice deserve.

Why You Need a California Lemon Law Attorney

Without expertise lemon law consumers struggle pursue claims manufacturers. Fact, California Department Consumer Affairs, 1,000 lemon law cases filed year state. Statistic prevalence vehicles need legal representation.

California lemon law well-versed of Song-Beverly Consumer Warranty Act, outlines rights consumers purchased leased vehicles. Help clients legal process, negotiate manufacturers, necessary, represent court.

Case Study: Smith v. Ford Motor Company

In case Smith v. Ford Motor Company, a California couple successfully sued the automobile giant after experiencing numerous mechanical issues with their vehicle. With the help of a lemon law attorney, they were able to secure a significant settlement that allowed them to purchase a new, non-defective vehicle.

Year Number Lemon Law Cases Filed California
2018 1,237
2019 1,402
2020 1,589

As evidenced by the increasing number of lemon law cases filed in California, it is clear that consumers are facing ongoing challenges with defective vehicles. California lemon law attorneys play a crucial role in advocating for their clients and holding manufacturers accountable for selling substandard products.

Find Your California Lemon Law Attorney Today

If you find yourself dealing with a lemon vehicle, don`t hesitate to seek the assistance of a skilled California lemon law attorney. Expertise dedication, legal professionals help navigate complex world lemon law fight justice deserve.

California Lemon Law Attorney FAQs

Question Answer
1. What is the California Lemon Law? The California Lemon Law is a consumer protection law that applies to defective vehicles. Have purchased leased vehicle, entitled refund replacement.
2. When should I hire a California Lemon Law attorney? You consider hiring attorney experienced issues vehicle, manufacturer able fix problem reasonable number repair attempts.
3. How can a California Lemon Law attorney help me? A attorney guide legal process, negotiate manufacturer behalf, ensure receive compensation deserve defective vehicle.
4. What evidence do I need to support my lemon law claim? You should keep detailed records of all repair attempts, invoices, and communications with the manufacturer or dealership to strengthen your case.
5. Can I sue the manufacturer under the California Lemon Law? Yes, if the manufacturer has failed to repair your vehicle after a reasonable number of attempts, you may be able to file a lawsuit to seek compensation for your defective vehicle.
6. Is there a time limit for filing a lemon law claim in California? Yes, there are strict deadlines for filing a lemon law claim, so it`s important to act quickly and seek legal advice as soon as you suspect that your vehicle may be a lemon.
7. How much does it cost to hire a California Lemon Law attorney? Many lemon law attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, which means they only get paid if you win your case. This allows consumers to pursue their claims without upfront legal fees.
8. What types of vehicles are covered under the California Lemon Law? The law applies to new and used vehicles, including cars, trucks, motorcycles, and RVs, as long as they are still covered by the manufacturer`s warranty.
9. Can I handle a lemon law claim on my own without an attorney? While it`s possible to handle a lemon law claim without an attorney, having legal representation can significantly improve your chances of success and ensure that you receive maximum compensation.
10. How do I find the right California Lemon Law attorney for my case? Look for an attorney with experience in lemon law cases, a track record of successful outcomes, and a strong reputation in the legal community. Knowledgeable dedicated attorney make difference case.

California Lemon Law Attorney Contract

This contract is entered into between the client and the California Lemon Law Attorney for legal representation in lemon law cases.

Client: [Client`s Name]
Attorney: [Attorney`s Name]
Date: [Date]

Whereas, the Client wishes to retain legal services for representation in matters related to the California Lemon Law, and the Attorney is willing to provide such services under the following terms and conditions:

Terms Conditions

1. Scope of Representation: The Attorney agrees to represent the Client in all legal matters related to the California Lemon Law, including but not limited to, pursuing claims against manufacturers for defective vehicles.

2. Legal Fees: The Client agrees to pay the Attorney`s fees for services rendered in accordance with the fee agreement signed separately by both parties.

3. Duties of the Attorney: The Attorney agrees to provide competent and diligent representation to the Client in accordance with the rules of professional conduct and laws of the State of California.

4. Duties of the Client: The Client agrees to provide all necessary information and documentation to the Attorney in a timely manner and to cooperate in the legal process.

5. Termination: Either party may terminate this contract with written notice to the other party. Client responsible accrued fees costs date termination.

6. Governing Law: This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of California.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this contract as of the date first above written.

Client: [Client`s Signature]
Attorney: [Attorney`s Signature]
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