Fully funded ICCR Scholarships 2024-25

ICCR Scholarships under the India-Africa Maitri Scholarship Scheme for the Academic Year 2024-25.

The Government of India under the aegis of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) is offering ** ICCR Scholarship slots for Zimbabwean Nationals for the Academic Year 2024-25.

Interested applicants in PhD, Masters and Bachelor in the field of Engineering, IT, BBA, MBA, Arts may like to log onto the Scholarship Portal at

http://a2ascholarships.iccr.gov.in/ .

This portal contains all the relevant information for the applicants including details of all State Universities, Central Universities and Institutes, colleges affiliated with them, courses available, applications guidelines, eligibility criteria and other relevant information.

The timeline for applying for ICCR scholarship has been revised and would be as under:-

04 April-2024: Opening of portal for inviting applications from interested candidates.

31 May-2024: Last date for applicant to submit application on portal.

30 June-2024: Last date by which universities are to inform the decision whether the student is admitted or rejected (if confirmed, intimation to missions if rejected, intimation to students).

15 July-2024: Last date for students to confirm/reject acceptance of offer of scholarship.

10 August-2024: Based on the number of acceptances in the first round (if acceptances are less than the scholarship seats allocated) Indian Mission to offer the scholarship to other students who were not considered in the first round.

20 August-2024: Second-round students to convey their acceptances

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